Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice

Adequately coordinating movements in a constantly changing environment is a highly complex task when one considers the many components involved. How do we integrate the nervous system, the sensory system and the musculo-skeletal system during the development? What are the key factors contributing to action development? Action is seen as an emergent property resulting from the dynamics of constituent processes or subsystems without the need for any localizable source of this order either inside or outside the system. Some studies point out that proposed central nervous system sources, cannot provide the kind of direction or regulation needed. Many other studies find it necessary to redefine the system itself so as to include all the elements which contribute to the emergent action patterns. Action emerges from personal, task and environmental constraints. Unlike the traditional belief of motor milestones, studies found that not all of the typical infants would demonstrate the same action patterns at similar ages. Neural maturation may not be the solely answer for action development. This special article would offer the concepts from dynamic systems theory and perception-action framework to explain how the infants\' actions emerge from the personal and environmental constraints through the process of self-organizing, selection and exploration.