Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice

目的:動作觀察治療與動作想像在中風復健領域逐漸獲得關注。傳統上,動作觀察治療與動作想像分屬兩種不同復健技術,而近期研究建議兩者合併運用之潛在效益。本研究旨在探討中風後動作觀察依序結合動作想像與執行之療效。方法:17 位受試者被隨機分派接受動作觀察結合動作想像與執行 (action observation, imagery, and execution therapy, AOIE)、動作觀察治療 (action observation, AO)、或偽動作觀察治療 (sham AO)等 3組中的1組,接受共 15次的治療。成效評量工具包含:傅格梅爾評估量表 (Fugl-Meyer Assessment, FMA)、動作想像問卷修訂版 (Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised, Second Edition, MIQ-RS)、柯氏手臂與手部活動評量表 (Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory, CAHAI)、動作活動日誌 (Motor Activity Log, MAL)、及中風影響量表 (Stroke Impact Scale, SIS)。結果:研究結果顯示三組間在任何成效評量上均未達統計上的顯著差異。然而,動作觀察結合動作想像與執行 (AOIE) 組在傅格梅爾評估量表之總分及近端部分、動作想像問卷修訂版、柯氏手臂與手部活動評量表、及動作活動日誌呈現統計上顯著的組內進步。動作觀察治療 (AO) 組在傅格梅爾評估量表之總分、柯氏手臂與手部活動評量表、動作活動日誌、及中風影響量表之生理功能呈現顯著的組內進步。偽動作觀察治療 (sham AO) 組內則未發現任何成效評量之統計上顯著的改變。結論:動作觀察依序結合動作想像與執行 (AOIE) 可能為一個促進中風患者動作學習的有效替代方法。在職能治療臨床實務中,或許可將動作想像與執行依序結合至動作觀察治療中,用以改善中風患者的動作及日常功能。未來研究建議使用較大的樣本驗證此研究的結果。
Objective: Action observation (AO) therapy and motor imagery have gained increasing attention in stroke rehabilitation, and traditionally they have been used as two separate techniques. Recent research suggests the potential benefits of their combined use. We aimed to investigate the effects of action observation, imagery, and execution therapy (AOIE) after stroke. Methods: Seventeen patients were randomly assigned to receive AOIE, AO, or sham AO for 15 sessions. Outcomes included the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised, Second Edition (MIQ-RS), Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory (CAHAI), Motor Activity Log (MAL), and Stroke Impact Scale (SIS). Results: The results showed no statistically significant differences on any outcomes among the 3 groups. However, the AOIE group showed significant within-group improvements on the FMA-total, FMA-proximal, MIQ-RS, CAHAI, and MAL. The AO group had significant within-group improvements on the FMA-total, CAHAI, MAL, and SIS-physical function. No significant changes on any outcomes were found in the sham AO group. Conclusion: The AOIE might be an effective alternative approach for stroke patients to facilitate motor learning. In occupational therapy practice, sequentially integrating motor imagery and execution into action observation might be useful to improve motor and daily functions of stroke patients. Further larger-scale research to confirm our findings is suggested.