將近一半的注意力缺陷過動症兒童中存在有輕微動作障礙,但此動作障礙通常會被健 康專業人員忽略。目的:本研究的目的是要探討動作障礙對於注意力缺陷過動症兒童參與 在日常活動中的經驗。方法:以深度訪談的方式,訪問四組 到 11 歲在動作表現測驗上 呈現出動作問題的注意力缺陷過動症兒童及其母親,並利用持續比較法進行資料分析,從 訪談內容中萃取出主題。結果:從資料分析中萃取出四大主題,分別是:活動參與的動機、 動作表現的狀況、同儕關係以及母親對於兒童活動表現的反應。結論:結果顯示出兒童的 動作障礙確實會影響到日常生活也影響了兒童的活動參與。建議未來應加強家長在動作障 礙對於 ADHD 兒童日常生活影響的感知,以及健康照護專業人員對於注意力缺陷過動症 兒童的動作評估、治療介入與生活參與的連結。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【動作障礙影響注意力缺陷過動症兒童在生活參與經驗的初探】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
An Exploration of Life Experience in Children with Attention De cit Hyperactivity Disorder and Motor Impairment
周映君(Ying-Chun Chou);蔡宜蓉(Athena Yi-Jung Tsai)
注意力缺陷過動症;動作障礙;生活參與;生活經驗;ADHD; Motor impairment; Daily life; Activity participation
中文 English

將近一半的注意力缺陷過動症兒童中存在有輕微動作障礙,但此動作障礙通常會被健 康專業人員忽略。目的:本研究的目的是要探討動作障礙對於注意力缺陷過動症兒童參與 在日常活動中的經驗。方法:以深度訪談的方式,訪問四組 到 11 歲在動作表現測驗上 呈現出動作問題的注意力缺陷過動症兒童及其母親,並利用持續比較法進行資料分析,從 訪談內容中萃取出主題。結果:從資料分析中萃取出四大主題,分別是:活動參與的動機、 動作表現的狀況、同儕關係以及母親對於兒童活動表現的反應。結論:結果顯示出兒童的 動作障礙確實會影響到日常生活也影響了兒童的活動參與。建議未來應加強家長在動作障 礙對於 ADHD 兒童日常生活影響的感知,以及健康照護專業人員對於注意力缺陷過動症 兒童的動作評估、治療介入與生活參與的連結。

Nearly half of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had motordif culty. However, the motor problems which might interrupt the daily lives of these children have been often overlooked by health professionals. Study Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the daily lives of children with ADHD comorbid with motor difficulty and its in uence on activity participation of children. Methods: Four 9 to 11 years-old children and their mothers were recruited as the informant of this study. These children were diagnosed ADHD and demonstrated motor impairment on motor performance test. Constant comparative method was used in analyzing the collected information. Results: Four themes were extracted from these transcribed verbatim: motivation to participate in activities, motor performance patterns, peer relationships and mothers’ responses to children’s activity performance.Conclusion: The qualitative results showed that the motor difficulties in ADHD children indeed impact on their daily lives and their activity participation. The perception of mothers about the motor impact on children’s daily activities should be enhanced through parenting group. Meanwhile, the health professionals should include motor assessment and intervention program for activity participation of children with ADHD.
