自閉症的臨床研究已有累積多年的實證,本文旨在介紹自閉症國際專業發展中心於2014 年更新之兒童與青少年自閉症實證指引。此份指引除了整理目前具有實證的自閉症 介入方法外,也藉由執行科學,建立執行模式,讓實證指引落實到實務面。此實證指引之 建置是希望讓所有與自閉症個案相關人員,包括家長、教師、同儕及實務工作者等,能學 會與自閉症個案互動並促進其學習,最後再輔以研究探討此種執行模式的成效。此實證指 引除供臨床參考外,其成效探討模式,亦也做為早療方案成效評估之範例。

"> 投稿審查系統 - 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌 - 期刊目錄【介紹美國兒童與青少年自閉症實證成果】
Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
Introduction of Evidence-Based Bractices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
蕭小菁 (Sheau-Jing Hsiao)
自閉症;實證指引;Autism Spectrum Disorder;Evidence-Based Practice
中文 English

自閉症的臨床研究已有累積多年的實證,本文旨在介紹自閉症國際專業發展中心於2014 年更新之兒童與青少年自閉症實證指引。此份指引除了整理目前具有實證的自閉症 介入方法外,也藉由執行科學,建立執行模式,讓實證指引落實到實務面。此實證指引之 建置是希望讓所有與自閉症個案相關人員,包括家長、教師、同儕及實務工作者等,能學 會與自閉症個案互動並促進其學習,最後再輔以研究探討此種執行模式的成效。此實證指 引除供臨床參考外,其成效探討模式,亦也做為早療方案成效評估之範例。

Evidence for children with Autism has been conducted in years. The purpose of this article is to introduce the Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder updated by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders in 2014. Implementation science is adopted to bridge between research and practice and a learning model is proposed. This practices guideline helps liaisons, such as families, teachers, peers and clinical practitioners how to interact and facilitate learning of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. An outcome study is planned to investigate the effectiveness of this learning model. Besides for clinical use, this model can be used as an example for the outcome study of early intervention program.
