Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
在美國和加拿大,中風對於成人而言被視為一種廣泛常見的疾病。然而隨著醫療技術 的進步發展,雖然很多人在中風後可存活,但他們的職業表現卻因病受到了影響。因此, 職能治療師提供治療的目的在於幫助個案參與在生命週期中想要從事的活動。本文的目的 是採用加拿大職能表現模式進行單一個案研究,探討職能治療如何使用上述參考架構在中 風病人身上。在討論的部分,亦對加拿大職能表現模式的特性進行討論。
Stroke is a common illness in the adult population in the United States and Canada. Although many people survive a stroke because of the rapid development of medical technology, most of their occupational performance is influenced by the stroke. Therefore, as healthcare professionals, occupational therapists (OTs) help clients participate in desired activities across their lifespan. We adopted a conceptual model (Canadian Model of Occupational Performance, CMOP) to explore occupational therapy intervention on a stroke patient using a single case study. We also discussed challenges related to CMOP in this case report.