Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
幻肢痛為截肢個案中常見的問題,並造成生活品質 (quality of life, QOL)的下降。經過許多學者的研究,使用鏡像治療 (mirror therapy)介入幻肢痛目前已成為一廣受認可的治療手法。本篇文章將以鏡像治療於幻肢痛為例,並以美國國家衛生研究院 (National Institutes of Health, NIH)所提出之藍色公路轉譯模型 (blue highways)為骨幹,簡要演示如何從轉譯科學的觀點去探討一治療方法從被提出至於臨床廣泛應用的過程,以期更多醫療專業人員得以更加了解轉譯科學 (translational science)的內涵與精神,並藉此縮短學術與臨床間的鴻溝,促使基礎研究的發現可快速、有效地於臨床上實行應用。
Phantom pain is a common issue among people with amputation and a main factor affecting their quality of life. Prior research has suggested mirror therapy to be effective in treating phantom pain. This article aims to demonstrate how to discuss a new therapy from the point of view of translational science. By using a translational model, \\\" Blue Highways \\\", from the NIH Roadmap and taking mirror therapy in phantom limbs pain as an example, we hope to provide a clear illustration about the translation process of a therapy from basic science research to clinical practice.